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PES 2014 took to the field again, this time with a focus on the game. A new graphics engine, better animation and a great atmosphere is the main issue highlightsof.
League, cup, tournament and multiplayer OnlinePro Evolution Soccer, which already has a patch that can be downloaded, offers several modes of play: Match – Participate in youtake single game, challenging AI ?? or friend.
Life Football – Lets play Master League online and offline. Create your own team, management contracts, buy and sell players, and leadyour team to glory. With this new feature, you can now also be a director of a nation. Basically, the structure has been simplified for ease gamehas better use.
Consider Legend- single player and see themprogress an illustrious career. In this mode, players can choose to be a goalkeeper, for example, make himunbeatable on purpose, making thecaptain team, and to issuingcommands yourdefense, Buffon or Casillas Justlike.
Competition – Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 brings back the way of the championship, which is not present in PES 2013. In addition, you can play the Cup mode, you can adjust to your liking, or play games online . As usual, you can play inthe Champions League, Europa League, Copa Libertadores and, this year, the Asian Champions League (allthese games have official license). In addition, there is also a big gap in several clubs as LCENSE agreement, includingEnglish and equipment Germany, where Konami failed Rights (Chelsea FC London, known City manblue, and many German troops were completely absent from the game ).
Training – training theperfect ways to improve their technical skills. This mode is a set of tutorials are divided into 5 levels of training. Tutorials are well described and presented them to move games, special moves and more. Then you also can train in a corner, a free kick and a large penalidades.Durante loadingstages, gettips the shot and move to make in certain situations in the game, intermissionthat useful to take advantage of any downtime! Menu PES 2014 designisnt not good, but in terms of consumption, it is definitely a step back from the modern and the new FIFA 14.
Total freedom of movement in Campo control the game PES 2014 have not been any major disruption. The main new is the use TrueBall Technology: well controlof analog, can stop or control the ball 360 degrees. The result is breathtaking realism and movement in PES unprecedentedfreedom. This is made possible by the physics of the ball better, meaningtheres left ball Bowling annoying effectthat accompanied by a series arethe anos.Tamén diplomacy, which arenow more fluid and reliable. Power, weight and physical strength of the players can affect the outcome or impact shoulder to shoulder xogadores.Manobras strugglesbetween more logical now, favorsteam game and the game is much slower than last year. He is the most difficultto stole the ball from a player and get it in the net. Now, you need to check the position of thetiming fieldand players earn the right to confiscate Main friend to take a shot at baliza.Ir PES 2014 is a sharp change of direction and game; instead they are more natural movement. Cross calibrated manually more than ever, while the shot is more reliable, although some trajectory seems somewhat improved direccionales.Thegoalkeepers; These are some great animations and superb guard. Forhigh their way out of the ball and the cross was fantastic, albeit slowly and lack of reactivity when facing an attacker goalkeeper left much to be desired (Y button on the Xbox joypad) .The artificial intelligence is one of the biggest highlights PES 2014. Player movement is controlled by the CPU Welland seem more precisely, an employee of the group and, if necessary, be able to take a picture that leaves speechless. There are 6 levels of difficulty can be selected for AI.Pero play well in PES 2014 also requires that the appropriate tactics for your team. Different parts are more limited than FIFA, but very good publishers compensate for this deficiency by giving you the ability to create a series of new graphics engine outstanding módulos.Un gameclimate Fox PES 2014 working properly. All the details are taken into account, virtual and physical resemblance to the real players is wonderful (but only for celebrities, not so well known is a little rough around the edges). Greate care is taken at every stage of production, with great detail and exclusive tracks choreographic team foreach.A Despite these improvements, the engine is still immature: understand the occasional frame, though it does not affect the gaming experience. In addition, there is an inexplicable lack of rain or snow. It’s not a dealbreaker, but itscertainly unusual for this calibre.Outro game features new to PES 2014 is almost total absence of hair, the players now move freely and no frame predeterminados.Os sound effects are probably the best elements of PES 2014. the public is the 12 th player on the field, the team with the incessant sound supportingthe, galvanizingevery risky move, whistling and calling atopponents theirheroes towards the goal, especially in the most games in a hurry. In other words, Konami has managed to create an extraordinary atmosphere where players actually involved emocionalmente.O dawn of the new Pro Evolution Soccer Erap, this is the dawn of a new era. This edition is based entirely on the game: more playground equipment, better control of players, the ball physics journal, realistic and address a number of features that enhance the experience xogo.Entón, PES 2014 FIFA finally beaten? In short -; The EAsimulator still king, but the difference is definitely smaller and Konami titles present an alternative viable.Os developers create a fun and satisfying, which allows players toimmerse a stadium that has no equal to any other video game fútbol.O Fox engine, though still tiny and hard around the edges, it is important to revive the franchise. Konami certainly took a big step in the right direction: Aspects of improved simulation title, much to the happiness of all the purists of the genre.
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