Art Text v3 Download

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Art Text v3

Art Text v3

Art Text is a graphical design software for the high-quality illustrations, as signs, brochures, logo, header and social icon, love, text, graphics and website buttons, captions, poetry and create 3D text. Both professional and amateur designers impressed by the tool selection and collection of various content, everything is smooth and intuitive.

Customizable templates 70+ predefined templates to help you with logo design, produce beautiful word art, web element and the photo caption.

Gradient Fill 100 presets, 540+ 140+ textures and shading material.

Adjustable 2D effects of shadows and lighting effects, more than 30 masks.

Graphic content 750+ vector icons, symbols and shapes, 32 flash, flash, shiny objects and lighting effects, 570+ backgrounds and textures.

Match 3D 3D material using 200+ textures, bump maps the surface of 140+, 80+ environment map texture.

Use for 3D-effects, soft-edged shadow or highlight the 3D object. Use optical effect to make objects out of focus background.

Applying geometric transformations 24 form of transformation, to pay homage to 2D or 3D text, crooked or wavy shape to give the text.

Share results piece of art on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with one click, or export to an image file for use in any location.

what’s new


20+ monsters have the ability of the art text

70+ pre-designed templates that are designed for the rapid creation of the word art, logos and buttons

My, to create a 3D-engine stunning 3D text and logo

With just one click Text in 2D or 3D form

Content plus the previous layer in the tree of layers of hidden objects important for

tools for editing 2D

750+ cartoon form, paint effect, watercolor drops, places

30 + mask texture of old, scratched, and many other effects

540+ smooth texture tiles

30+ elements of a typical flash, flash, glare and visual effects simulation

100 predetermined gradient

gradient Oval


3D material 140+

Colorize function introduced providing a significant change in color 3D model while retaining the texture

3D material support to the rough surface, select the delivery of 140 + bump maps

Glow control allows you to adjust the brightness of the 3D

Advanced 3D properties of the material, including the environment, specular and diffuse color and gloss

23 conversion takes a special form of 3D objects

The Focus allow partially obscure text from the point of view 3D

80+ texture environment

The tool helps to create a light source group model lights with multiple parameters

3D objects have the ability to throw a soft-edged shadows

Mac OS +

El propsito artistic text Proporcionar all user es UNA herramienta fcil Chris rpidamente Pour obtenir UNA Cadena said Texto original in con un Paseo Alto Calidad Puede Ser empleado que en distintos Elementos: Anuncios Publicitarios, logotipos, cabeceras web etctera.

Art Text Incluye 110 diseos predefinidos, Entre ELLOS Tendencias tan as El Musical web-recientes

El Texto Puede acompaarse Por UNO-de-los Iconos 460 vectoriales la que create a library in grficos del programa, aunque es possible drug present personalizadas Formas.

Sombras, Texturas, MATERIALS, deformaciones gradientes child Various O-de-los-efectos Sobre que pueden aplicarse creado el Texto. El Resultado final Puede Ser tan exportado which Diferentes in TIFF, JPEG, PDF, EPS, GIF, PNG or.

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  2. Art Text v3 Torrent

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